Programme Overview

Number Facts is a new approach to Tables, specifically designed to develop thinking strategies to recall number facts and improve number skills, offering an innovative approach to learning

Available for 1st to 4th Class, this new series will enable pupils to understand Maths, with each book structured to enhance their mental calculation skills and problem-solving abilities by teaching children to visualise numbers pictorially and use these images to manipulate numbers.


There are four books in this series:
Number Facts 1 and 2 for First and Second Class cover Addition and Subtraction facts
Number Facts 3 and 4 for Third and Fourth Class cover Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division facts


  • Number Facts offers a new and more innovative approach to the learning of facts compared to the more traditional, drill and practice workbooks.
  • New, attractive and colourful activity books, packed full of engaging features
    • Weekly units with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division activities for Monday to Thursday
    • Underlying thinking strategy for each unit
    • Think boxes to reinforce the relevant thinking strategies
    • A daily Challenge section to extend the children
    • A Self-assessment feature to allow children to assess their own learning at the end of every week
    • Separate Revision and Assessment sections at the back of the book for completion at regular intervals to consolidate learning
    • Personal Progress Chart enables children to record their assessment scores
    • A selection of Family Card Games for parents and children to play at home to reinforce the number facts taught in each unit
  • Use of thinking strategies develops children's strategic competence
  • Enhances pupils' mental calculation skills
  • Differentiation activities are included throughout the Challenge Sections and help encourage adaptive reasoning
  • Encourages the use of concrete materials and the visualisation of a Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract Approach (CPA) which helps develop conceptual understanding
  • Number Facts is an ideal companion book for classes where Number Talks are also used
  • Can be used in conjunction with Operation Maths or any other Maths programme on the market